Certain things catch your eye, But pursue only those that capture your heart. ~ An old indian saying

Certain things catch your eye, But pursue only those that capture your heart.
~ An old indian saying


The Chumash lived in the California area. They were very widespread and numbered in the tens of thousands. Their territory spread from present day Malibu to present day Southern Monterey County.

Most of the food the Chumash Indians got was from the sea. They used over 100 kinds of fish, clams, mussels, and abalone.
They also ate multiple kinds of wild plants and they traded them between themselves. They hunted large and small animals for food too. Unlike some Indians that lived other places the Chumash did not plant corn or any other crops.

The Chumash did not wear very much clothing at all. When the weather was cold the men would wear capes made of animal hide and sometimes out of woven rabbit skin and plant fibers. In the warm weather all they would weare was a belt to hold their tools and knifes. The women wore short deer skin skirts and aprons.

They lived in tule huts called Wickiups.

To get from place to place in the water the Chumash used plank canoes or as other wised called tomol. The canoes were anywhere from 8 to 30 feet long, and they were made out of redwood or driftwood. The typical plank canoe held about 3 people but the lager ones held about 10.